
18 agosto, 2014

Este sitio se ha migrado a: www.phrasetoscream.com

Truth gonna make you her bitch

13 agosto, 2014

«I’m weak, too. I can’t get through this without somebody to touch, without somebody to love. Is that because sex numbs the pain? Or is it because I’m some evil fuck-monster? I don’t know.
But I do know, I was somebody before I came in here. I was somebody with a life that I chose for myself. And now, now it’s just about getting through the day without crying. And I’m scared, I’m still scared. I’m scared that I’m not myself in here, and I’m scared that I am. Other people aren’t the scariest part of prison, Dina, it’s coming face-to-face with who you really are. Because once you’re behind these walls, there’s nowhere to run, even if you could run. The truth catches up with you in here, Dina, and it’s the truth that’s gonna make you her bitch.»

Taylor Schilling como Piper Chapman en Orange is the new black (1×09)

We can’t tell the future

4 agosto, 2014

«Thank God we can’t tell the future. We’d never get out of bed.»

Julia Roberts como Barbara Weston en August: Osage County

Hitler of music

19 junio, 2014

«You know, Hitler actually played the bassoon. So, technically, Hitler was the Hitler of music.»

Zach Woods como Jared en Silicon Valley (1×03)


7 May, 2014

«You’re leaving.»

Ellen Pompeo como Meredith Grey en Grey’s Anatomy (10×22)

Get it back

17 septiembre, 2013

«Get it back!»

Jane Fonda como Leona Lansing en The Newsroom (2×07)

Not available at 3:00 p.m.

28 diciembre, 2012

«I’m a typical single woman in New York City! I don’t wear heels to work because the typical woman’s job doesn’t exclusively involve gallery openings. And I know Carrie must have made boatloads writing her 800-word column for a newspaper no one’s ever heard of, but I just spent my last $7 having a fight with my best friend who, by the way, is not available at 3:00 p.m. on a Wednesday to console me about some guy, because she, too, has a job. And mostly, when you fall for a guy and he’s going out with your best friend, it doesn’t work out. Things get really bad!»

Allison Pill como Maggie Jordan en The Newsroom (1×10)

What I want

25 octubre, 2012

«I don’t want to hurt you. But I’ll tell you what I do want… I want someone who will be monogamous and nice to his mother. And I want someone who likes musicals, but knows to just shut his mouth when I’m watching Lost. And I want someone who thinks being really into cars is lame, and strip clubs are gross. I want someone who will actually empty the dishwasher instead of just taking out forks as needed, like I do. I want someone with clean hands and feet, and beefy forearms, like a damn Disney prince. And I want him to genuinely like me, even when I’m old. And that’s what I want.»

Tina Fey como Liz Lemon en 30 Rock (4×17)

Un país entregado al bebercio

21 octubre, 2012

«La posibilidad de acabar vomitando en una esquina y la decisión de gastar unas infames horas del día siguiente en curar la resaca forman parte de la libre elección incrustada en nuestros genes tras cientos de generaciones que han convertido el alcohol en parte incuestionable de la diversión. Así que, en recuerdo de un país entregado al bebercio, propuse abrir una de aquellas bonitas botellas de vino carbonatado para brindar en un mismo trago por Falcon Crest y La Rioja.»

Pepe Colubi en California 83 (Capítulo: Septiembre – Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This))

Some womanly wisdom

20 octubre, 2012

«Permit me to share some womanly wisdom with you on this very special day: The more people you love, the weaker you are. You’ll do things for them that you know you shouldn’t do. You’ll act the fool to make them happy, to keep them safe. Love no one but your children. On that front, a mother has no choice.»

Lena Headey como Cersei Lannister en Game of Thrones (2×07)